Friday, December 19, 2014

I fall in love regularly

Question of the day: What would you do if you had 24 hours to live?

This question came up at a family dinner recently. My answer was that everyone I knew should come find me so I could tell them what I thought of them. This is ridiculous because it would be impossible. But I do wish I told people what I thought of them. I wish I walked about sharing my opinion more freely.

I have thoughts about everyone I see. As I mentioned in "Falling out of love," I care about everyone I come across. I find one thing I like about them and form a bond. And then they continue on their merry way without ever knowing my thoughts. If sadly, I only had 24 hours to live, I would shout my affections at the top of my lungs. En route to my family and friends, I would talk to every stranger.

I remember everyone:
I think about the guy on the bus who shared an awkward smile with me.
I think about my local cashier who recognizes me and sincerely asks how I'm doing.
I think about the girl I haven't seen in 5 years, who made school tolerable and lunch fun.
I think of the mom and toddler I kept bumping into at the grocery store.

Which brings me to this poem

I fall in love regularly,
with each person whom
passes me in the streets,
or who sits beside me on the bus.
Not in the romantic way;
No, we hardly even speak
a word to each other.
But I sit, quietly observing
all of their body language and all of
their expressions.
Their smiles, and gestures;
the way they lift their coffee,
or smile as they read
that new text message,
or count the change in their hands.
I watch vigilantly, tracking
the manners and movements,
and appreciating all that
these people are.
I spend some time thinking about
their families and lives,
and the lives that they lead.
I consider what they might do
for work, and what they
went to school for.
When they woke up that morning, and
how they did their hair.
I study the details of these people,
that may otherwise go unnoticed.
Researching each of them,
noticing our similarities, and
rejoicing in
the beauty of human nature

-Author unknown

I don't forget how I feel about people. If I haven't talked to you in a while don't think I don’t care. But know that I think of you often. I'm always rooting for you.

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