Friday, April 28, 2023

Wow mom

1) I feel that. I don't even know any of my non jw family. My mom kept them in my life. But as soon as she died, we never visited again. I think because my aunts and uncle can't keep quiet about their faith but my mom would only mention it politely, not trying to convert.

2) Thank you. I'm mostly okay with it. Because of watching her suffer. And of course there was the hope of seeing her again. I'm not really sure what I believe now. Maybe in the universe reusing energies. So one day our energies will connect again. I jut wish I had her for the sexual assault and my brother's abuse.

3) I wish my mom had had time to learn and then teach me sign language since my hearing was intermittent until I was 2. I guess I just learned not to ask for anything. Wonder if it affected me at all /s 🙃🙃🙃

4) Makes sense. As a former child of a parent in college, they love the time you spend together. 

I'm not sure what degree my mom got. She was in college from me being 3-7. And I'm pretty sure she took college classes. And she didn't work. She also had cancer for 75% of college.

I remember she went to sleep last, well besides me staring at her once she was asleep due to my insomnia. She woke up first. She was always reading.

But she spent her lunch time taking me to speech therapy 3 times a week. And would spend any extra time, taking ms to the farm on her campus and telling me about animals. She talked to me whenever I would interrupt her while studying.

Her future was a priority. But I still mattered. Your child watches and knows

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