Sunday, February 8, 2015

Don't Give In

I saw two dogs out for a walk the other day. Same breed and looked about the same age. One was of full health. The other had three legs. But what's interesting is the one with three legs was the energetic one. That's the one who jumps on trees and runs. His body has adapted to the change, whether he was born with it or an accident happened. This dog has skipped it limitations and hasn't let them stop him from doing what he wants.

What do we have to push through? What do we have to get over? What do we have to stump down?

Let's follow the example of these two dogs and be the person we want to be despite what our stats are. Despite the outward appearance, the mental disabilities, and the circumstances we were born into.

P.S. I wrote this a week ago. Then I got too sick to post it.

As I laid about nauseous and tired, I kept thinking about this post. I was miserable. I was scared because the cause wasn't confirmed. And I didn’t want to use the little energy I had to do anything. But I made myself do a little more everyday. Just one more thing, just one more feat. That way, I wouldn't over do it when I was well again.

I kept my spirit because of this post. I wrote it for when I'd need it in the future. But I needed it before I even posted it. How's that for effectiveness?

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