Friday, August 30, 2024

Austen goes Twilight: Persuasion part 2

Chapter 3

Certain moon ceremonies happened in big ways. All wolves and shapeshifters around the world meet at a rotating location. The birthplace of the next great wolf.

In the year 2016, that was in OKC. The Cherokees had been a quiet tribe but strong.

The moment Bella set eyes on Jacob Black, she scoffed. That little thing? The next great wolf?

And then their eyes met. Bella saw a ferocity she’d never met with. Someone who knew what they wanted. And someone who would take it.

Jacob saw a felicity he’d never experienced. An AMAB wolf had never looked at him that way. With respect?

They went to the middle of the reception room. Everyone stilled. Everyone turned their ears to listen.

Bella leaned her neck to one side. Utter submission from Charlie Swan’s daughter. The grandchild of the last great alpha.

Showing submission to the one she had scoffed at.

Every wolf bowed their head.

She turned slightly to look him in the eye again.

‘Hello, Jacob.’ She pressed against his mind. Softly but firmly.

His eyes shone yellow.

He saw them together as she saw them as well. Whole, confident, ready.

Ready to rule this world. All the worlds.

Chapter 4

And yet.

After just a fortnight of flirting, of denying what had transpired the first night, of dancing after each alpha challenge.

After all that.

Bella faded into thin air after their first night.

Chapter 5

But a child?!

How could he not call and tell her?

Tell her their union had created someone as beautiful as their love?

Their love that she had thrown away. Their love that she lived in spite of. Their love which was the back bone for her transition.

Seemingly his transition as well.

Maybe he did not call for the same reason she ran.

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