Monday, August 19, 2024

Austen goes Twilight: S&S

Colonel Brandon - Edward
Marianne - Jacob
Elinor - Bella
Mrs. Dashwood - Billy and Charlie
Edward - Mike
Willoughby - James
Margaret - Bree
Lady Middleton - Esme
Sir _____ - Carlisle
Mrs. John Dashwood - Renee
MR. John Dashwood - Phil
Mrs. Jennings - Alice
Charlotte Palmer - Leah
Mr. Palmer - Rose
Mr. Brandon older - Emmett
Mrs. Brandon - Paul
Eliza - Jasper
WIlloughby's bride - Victoria
Mrs. Ferrars - Caius
Mr. Robert Ferrars 0 Alec
Anne - Seth
Sister to Anne - Quil/Embry

 "Honey, I know you're upset..." Phil begins.

"Upset? You think this is me upset? This is my livid. This is me pissed. This is me calm."

Phil is stuck on whether or not to mention to his new mate that the last doesn't fit the first two when his vampire hearing picks up Charlie and Billy arguing in the hallway.

Phil's office door opens.

"There's a single reason to keep us, Renee. That reason is your daughter." Charlie scowls at her. "Just because I finally found happiness, you're going to forget your responsibilities?"

"You have no right to tell me what my responsibilities are. You didn't disclose the fact that you had werewolf blood."

"It was centuries ago. My latent ability to mate..."

Renee scoffs.

"My latent ability to mate," he repeats, "created the beautiful young woman you're ready to ship out because Billy and I mated. After you left me for, with all due respect and affection Phil," Phil nods. "for Phil."

"Leave by four tomorrow." Renee decrees.

And Phil begins to understand the woman he is drawn to.

----- ----- -----

Phil manages to convince his soon to be wife that Bella and Jacob, by default of being her step brother, have a right to go to college.

His alta mater.

Renee is satisfied by knowing her ex will follow their daughter. Beside an annual school function, there will be no reason to feel the shame of having mated with a wolf.

Yes, Renee has been a vampire less than a twelvemonth, but a visit from Caius had filled her with hatred for the shapeshifters.

----- ----- -----

"My congratulations and my condolences." The ancient vampire whispers as soon as the waiter pushes Renee's chair into the table.

Renee is stunned into silence.

"For I hear you have a fake werewolf as a step child."

Renee, not bigoted yet, but still ashamed of Charlie ever moving on, blushes.

"Oh, Jacob is not my step child." She corrects.

"A marriage is not the same as mates but it does have lasting effect. This Jacob is related to your child and to your spouse, therefore he is also one of your own. And now Philips." Caius says, disgusted.

Reneee blushes further at the thought that she has ruined her mate's status. And the implication that her having settled for Charlie weakened her connection with Philip in the eyes of the supernatural.

The supernatural world, being new and impressive, was something to admire. And she yearned for its approval.

"I will send them away." She promises.

"That would help, of course. But what Philip really needs is a powerful vampire mate, not a, well you know." Caius doesn't pretend to not hold humans in utter contempt.

Renee blinks, tearing up at the fact that her to be husband is withholding the species from her.

"Will you be my sire?"

Chapter 2

"Bella? Jacob?" A blond asks walking up.

"Yes?" Jacob responds for his shy stepsister.

"My name is Mike. I was chosen as your guide since I am human president."

A human? Bella likes him already.

"Nice to meet you." She smiles.

Jacob lets out an internal sigh.

In the month since Renee had kicked them out of Charlie's, now Phil's house, he hasn't seen her truly smile.

Jacob follows the pair around the school. Mike is not his type but Bella seems pleased.

On the last turn, Mike waves to a group walking in the opposite direction.

"These are the prefects for our dorms - Alice, Leah, Rose, and Emmett." He introduced pointing to each.

"Hello." Emmett grins.

"No hazing." A person calls from down the hall.

Emmett sighs and looks behind him.

"And that buzzkill is my sibling, Edward Brandon."

Jacob looks up. He's heard that name praised for ages. And the person is as handsome as they say.

Too bad Jake's a wolf.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

“Well!!!” Alice shouts. “Mike, you are doing such a great job with Bella here, I’m sure. But Jacob. Jacob you must want to see the more supernatural aspects of the school. Bella I’m sure you wouldn’t mind.”

All the superhumans can smell the blood flow to Bella and Mike’s faces without even looking.

“Right, well. Carry on.” Alice commands, pushing the two a little too hard.

They fall and kiss cheeks. Even more blood. Jacob hears some heading to parts he doesn’t want to connect with his sister. But he’s happy for her.

“Bye!” Alice shouts again, pulling Jacob away at super speed. “Edward!” She calls as she reaches them. She grabs their arm. “Come along.”

Edward opens his mouth, looking at Jacob and closing it looking at Alice.

“I can see the future. Edward can read minds. So we don’t talk out loud a lot.

“You can read minds?” Jacob asks, taking this moment to check on his sister.

Bella and Mike are standing with some assistance from Rose and Emmett. Leah makes eye contact with Jacob and smirks. He smiles back.

A friend already.

“You are distracted.” Edward observes.

“My apologies, your honor.”

“It is fine, love.”

Edward freezes. So Jacob freezes.

He would not have felt anything from the use of love in Edward’s British accent, if Edward hadn’t reacted so intensely.

“Love, love, love.” Alice sings, running away.

“Is she always that weird?” Jacob asks, giving Edward some space.

Physically, emotionally, and mentally as he shields his mind.

Edward has space to pretend they hadn’t heard Jacob’s thoughts before they were introduced.

“Yes. And more. You should have seen her getting Leah and Rose together.”

A pause.

“As she’s trying to get Mike with my sister.” Jacob adds.

“As she is.” Edward agrees. “Your sister?” They ask in surprise.

“Yes. My sister. Surely, you’ve heard the disgrace that was Charlie, a part wolf, mating with my father, a part wolf.”

“And you are full wolf?”


“I don’t follow wolf news much.”

Jacob’s back aches.

“I have to go.”

----- ----- -----

"I'm sure he didn't mean it." Bella insists.

"The face he made when he said wolf, Bella. It ... it hurts in a way you can't understand."

Right. Because she's not Supernatural.

"You may have misunderstood him. Maybe he meant that he hasn't yet." She tries again.

"And he will be moved to out of love for me?" Jacob snarks.

"There's no reason to get snippy." Bella huffs.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. We have both been shunned from our homes."

"I just..... What the fuck is vampire law? Humans are below vampires and wolves even lower. The fact that my stepfather now owns both my home and my stepdad's. That is pointless. He had a home. Mother could have awayed there with him."

"Very true. Let's focus on the good." Jacob tries to meet his sister where she is and take her back to a better place. The place she was before he brought up Edward. "How do you feel about Mike?"

She ducks her head.

"He's nice."

"Nice? Nice gets you married now, does it?"

"God, Jake. We're 21. Who cares about marriage?"

"Not you."

Bella nods.

"Until Mike."

She throws a pillow at him. Which isn't in her best interests as he throws one back. And he has a lot more stamina than her.

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