Monday, August 19, 2024

Austen goes Twilight: P&P

Pride and Prejudice Volume IPride and Prejudice Volume I

Chapter 1

February 2022

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a wolf that denies their mate will die.

“The council has declared the date for the next moon ceremony.” Billy says.

Jacob sits up, instantly interested.

“In addition to adding in humans this time, the Cullens and Denali will be in attendance.”

“What?” Jacob growls. “Vampires and humans? Has the council lost their minds.”

“It’s been prophesied that this age will unite us all. How can we be united if we do not consider them as potential mates?”

“Fine.” Jacob says bitterly, swearing to himself that he will not bond with a vampire or human. Too complicated.

“I can attend right?” Seth asks.

“You haven’t transformed yet.” Billy repeats.

Jacob wishes their father would stop mentioning that. It bothers his twin so much that even after turning 18, he hasn’t connected with his wolf.

“But,” he whines, “Leah and Jacob get to go.”

“Leah is 4 years older than you. She and Jacob are Alpha and Beta. Their bonds will change our lives as we know it.”


Jacob hears in Seth’s voice that he isn’t going to accept that as the final decision.

To distract his father, he asks a question.

“Are the humans and vampires being screened at least? I’ve heard of packs welcoming humans without telling them about how werewolves work.”

“Yes, Jacob. There is a ton of paperwork for both humans and vampires to fill out.”

“Good. I don’t want to be asked about scenting, or healing, or anything stupid by these stupid invaders.”

“Jacob!” Billy reprimands.

“What? You don’t see how the Cold Ones and pale faces would be an invasion? They took our land. Now they pollute our blood?”

“Just attend, Jacob.”

“I’ll be there dad.”

----- ----- -----

“Alright children, gathering round. I have the paperwork from the Quileutes.” Carlisle announces.

5 vampire “children” zoom into the room.

“Paperwork? Isn’t that a bit out of date?” Edward asks.

“Edward this is a historical event in this tribe’s lives. We can adjust our ways to fit theirs.”

“Don’t you have a journal anyway?” Rosalie asks.

“That’s different.”

“How?” She challenges.

“Somehow.” They falter.

The children laugh. Carlisle sighs.

“Sorry, Carlisle.” Rosalie says. “I couldn’t help myself.”

“What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned? What chance encounter changed your life forever? What do you want your epitaph to be? What is the “Holy Grail” of your life? What do you like most about your family? What is something you will NEVER do again? What are you most likely very wrong about? What’s the biggest lesson you NEVER learned? What was the most memorable gift you’ve received? What chapters would you separate your autobiography into? What do you hope your last words will be? What is something you can never seem to finish?” Alice reads in hyper speed.

“Werewolf lore: though Quileutes turn into wolves and jokingly call ourselves werewolves, we are actually shapeshifters. Our only wolf trait is a connection to the full moon. We can pass on the ability through bites but it is not common. We usually pass the gene through birth. Our eyes change color based on mood: red is possessive, yellow is excited, blue is content. We have speed healing and some members of the pack can heal others. We don’t believe in personal space. We can establish mental links with anyone in the tribe and with certain mate bonds.” Emmett reads.

“Looks like you won’t be the only one hearing voices, Edward.” Jasper chuckles.

“It’s like a direct line to your love.” Edward smiles.

“I’m so excited for you all. I wish you all find a mate.” Esme says, passing out blood popsicles.

----- ----- -----


What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned?

That people lie often to protect themselves from ever being wrong.

What chance encounter changed your life forever?

Meeting Carlisle

What do you want your epitaph to be?

They lived as they loved.

What is the “Holy Grail” of your life?

Loving someone

What do you like most about your family?

I like that we chose each other. And every day we further that choice.

What is something you will NEVER do again?

I will never kill again.

What are you most likely very wrong about?

My view of heaven and hell. I say vampires are soulless but this mating may change my mind. I’m already tempted to change my mind because my family has the deepest love I’ve ever seen.

What’s the biggest lesson you NEVER learned?

To lie successfully.

What was the most memorable gift you’ve received?

My gift of reading thoughts.

What chapters would you separate your autobiography into?

My human life, my life with Carlisle, my time as a vigilante, my time with Carlisle and Esme, my time with frienemy Rosalie, my time with Rose and Emmett, my time with the full family. Hopefully, my time with you that last forever.

What do you hope your last words will be?

I hope with my last breath I say how I love you.

What is something you can never seem to finish?

Loving you.

----- ----- -----


What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned?

That you can’t force romantic love. Rose is the most beautiful personage I’ve ever seen but it’s not meant to be.

What chance encounter changed your life forever?

Meeting Rose

What do you want your epitaph to be?

He came, he saw, he conquered

What is the “Holy Grail” of your life?

Living life out loud

What do you like most about your family?

We tease each other

What is something you will NEVER do again?


What are you most likely very wrong about?

That bear tastes best after hibernation. I know I’m right about that. But I might be wrong why.

What’s the biggest lesson you NEVER learned?

To not play with my food lol

What was the most memorable gift you’ve received?

Gift of living longer

What chapters would you separate your autobiography into?

The good and the great. The great love

What do you hope your last words will be?

I will not die again.

What is something you can never seem to finish?

My homework. I don’t care if I don’t need to sleep. It’s not getting done.

----- ----- -----


What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned?

To make myself as beautiful on the inside as the outside.

What chance encounter changed your life forever?

Well, it wasn’t by chance but meeting and being killed by Royce.

What do you want your epitaph to be?

Bitch was always bossing.

What is the “Holy Grail” of your life?

To be a boss bitch

What do you like most about your family?


What is something you will NEVER do again?

Let a man, or woman, destroy me

What are you most likely very wrong about?

I know what I’m wrong for. I’m probably wrong for teasing Edward as much as I do. But he takes himself sooooo seriously

What’s the biggest lesson you NEVER learned?

To control my tongue

What was the most memorable gift you’ve received?


What chapters would you separate your autobiography into?

The okay. The bad. The ugly. The glamourous.

What do you hope your last words will be?

Something heartfelt

What is something you can never seem to finish?

Brushing my hair

----- ----- -----


What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned? 

That I can’t make people happy forever

What chance encounter changed your life forever? 

Alice and the diner

What do you want your epitaph to be? 

He did his best.

What is the “Holy Grail” of your life? 

To make right my wrongs

What do you like most about your family? 


What is something you will NEVER do again? 

I hope I never fight on the wrong side again. Or have negative beliefs again.

What are you most likely very wrong about? 

That I’m unforgivable

What’s the biggest lesson you NEVER learned? 

To stop apologizing

What was the most memorable gift you’ve received? 

My empathy even as a human, though the way I was raised ignored some of it.

What chapters would you separate your autobiography into?

The happy. The war. The lost years. Alice, Cullen. You?

What do you hope your last words will be? 

Something that matters

What is something you can never seem to finish?


----- ----- -----


What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned? 

I can’t see everything

What chance encounter changed your life forever? 

I don’t remember it. But meeting my sire

What do you want your epitaph to be? 

She was special

What is the “Holy Grail” of your life?

To matter 

What do you like most about your family? 

We don’t need to be together. But we choose to be together.

What is something you will NEVER do again?

Try to see werewolves. That gave me a headache.

What are you most likely very wrong about? 

Why I can’t see werewolves. I think it’s because I haven’t been one. But idk

What’s the biggest lesson you NEVER learned?

To calm down lol

What was the most memorable gift you’ve received? 


What chapters would you separate your autobiography into?

The dark. The light. Family. You?

What do you hope your last words will be? 

I don’t want to think about it. I might see it then.

What is something you can never seem to finish?

Ruining surprises.

----- ----- -----

Bella didn’t really care about finding a mate but everyone at school was given a copy of the application and then the papers by the GSA. Why not? She figured. At least she could meet people in this new town. The seat next to her was empty in most of her classes. She talked to Jessica’s group but sometimes they bored her. It’s not their fault. They just weren’t her people. Well, maybe Angela and Ben.

What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned?

That my mother was never a mother.

What chance encounter changed your life forever?

Nothing. I guess the move made my life a little more boring. But I don’t really have friends in any of the places I used to live to miss anyway. 

What do you want your epitaph to be?

She died as she lived: quietly without bothering anyone

What is the “Holy Grail” of your life?

To do something meaningful

What do you like most about your family?

Um, my mom loves me. And my dad protects me.

What is something you will NEVER do again?

I don’t have anything

What are you most likely very wrong about?

I’m feeling like this might actually mean something.

What’s the biggest lesson you NEVER learned?

To be a child

What was the most memorable gift you’ve received?

My truck

What chapters would you separate your autobiography into? 

Mom and me. Mom marries. Me and Dad.

What do you hope your last words will be?

I don’t think it will be important 

What is something you can never seem to finish?


Chapter 2

March 2022

Bella pulled up to the beach. She felt ridiculous in the fancy dress that Renee had sent. It’s like her mother has no idea who she half-raised.

She walks to the bonfire and sits on a log. Jessica comes up and starts talking. Bella follows easily but doesn’t really care. She hates not liking Jessica and tries harder to participate in the conversation.

“And the wolves won’t even come until an hour from now.”

“An hour? Why?”

“Something about not overwhelming their senses. I guess we smell to them. And bonding at the same time as adjusting to the scent is a lot.”

“Smell bad or just noticeable?”

“I don’t know.”

Bella makes eye contact with a beautiful redhead. How can someone be so beautiful?

He flinches back and she looks away.

“You…” She turns at the voice and sees him much closer than he was. How?

“Hi.” She says, politely. Politeness helps hide the fact that she’s still in awe.

“You smell amazing.”

Is he a wolf? He’s not Quilete but maybe a bite transformation.

He moves away. Bella searches for him in the crowd but he blends in.

“That was Edward Cullen. A Cullen spoke to us. Wow.”

“Who are they?” Bella whispers, still out of it.


“If everyone says there are couples amongst them, why are they here at a mating ceremony?”

Jessica pauses, her gossiping expression fading.

Bella turns and smirks.

She notices another beautiful man. He’s definitely of the tribe with his russet skin and long, flowing hair.

He smiles in her general direction and then walks towards her.

----- ----- -----

Jacob fakes a smile at the pale girl, without making eye contact. Vampire is better than human but one can never be too careful.

“Hi.” He says, offering his hand. “I’m the beta, Jacob.”

“Hi.” She takes his hand. Warm. Human.

“I have to go.” He cuts off her saying her own name.

Bella is confused but shrugs it off.

Jessica walks away, no longer interested. But Angela soon replaces her.

“Was that a Quilete? I thought they weren’t coming for another 40 minutes.”

“Guess he felt like coming early. Didn’t seem too interested in talking to me though.”

“It’s okay. Someone will see how lovely you are.”

“Thanks, Angela.” Bella says, more genuinely than anything she’s ever said to Jessica.

They talk for a while. Until Bella finally spots Edward talking to a gorgeous blonde.

“You might not need a werewolf.” Angela says, astutely.

“Oh, no. I-I’m not.”

“Girl, don’t lie to me. I see you looking at them.”

“Them? No, I was glancing at him.”

“No. I was using the singular them. Edward is nonbinary.”

“Oh, interesting.”

“They’re actually the one who suggested the GSA but won’t join.”

“That’s cool. I wonder why they won’t join.”

“The Cullens are too lofty for us common people.”

----- ----- -----

“Tanya, I’m telling you she smells amazing.”

And you can’t hear her?

“I mean yeah, I’m interested in her for both reasons. But I can’t be around her. I want to kill her so bad.”

So you’ll never know what she thinks. How is it having someone who isn’t pouring their heart full of undying attraction to you through thought?


I’m mentioning it until I get a wolf.

“Would you pair with a human?”

Seeing as they are all under 18, no. I was turned at 25. I’m 25.

“And the reason your attraction to me bothers you so.”

So, so much.

“Anyway, college kids are here too.”


“The  Cullens are too lofty for us common people.” Angela says.

Edward and Tanya have walked closer during their one-sided conversation.

“Hi, again.” Edward tells Bella.

I thought you wanted to kill her.

“This is more important.” Edward mutters too low for human hearing.

“Oh hi, Edward. I mean hi. Sorry, my friend told me your name. I’m not like a stalker or anything.”

This poor girl is embarrassing herself is the basic thought of both Tanya and Angela.

Edward decides to put her out of her misery.

“People tend to discuss us.” He says, glancing at Angela.

“Oh, Angela isn’t a gossip. It was a different friend.“

Jessica thinks Angela.

Edward knows enough of both girls’ thought processes to agree.

“Mind if we sit?” Tanya asks,

“Of course not.” Bella almost shrieks.

The vampires around the bonfire look at her. Alice laughs when she sees Edward across from her. Another lost maiden, Alice thinks.

Only since the fear that Bella might think the Cullens are haughty overcame their planned avoidance of her, Bella may not be unrequited.

Unlike other girls.

“Bella? How was your journey to town? Is it weird how everyone was waiting for you to come?”

“A little. It was nice though. Thank you for asking.”

Edward catches the girl pinching herself.

“Where are you from?” Tanya asks.

“Everywhere and nowhere. I guess originally here. Like I was born here in Forks but we left by the time I was 4.”

“Ah. I’ve lived in many places too. Roots are hard to grow but so worthwhile. I hope this is a good move for you.” Tanya replies, glancing at Edward.

Who notices Angela watching the pair.

“Are you two related?” She asks.

“We’re cousins. I’m older.” Tanhya elbows Edward.

“I’m glad you were able to keep in contact after the adoption.”

I like this girl, Tanya thinks.

“What classes are you taking?” Edward asks Bella as the girls start talking.

“Um, I'm a junior. I’m taking English 3, calculus, Biology, American history, p.e. unfortunately, I’m a TA for a freshman class because electives were full.”

“That’s basically my schedule. My calculus and p.e. are switched. And I’m a TA in a sophomore class.”

“Are you the empty seat I have next to me in every class?”

Damn. They have to breathe that blood every day, all day? They resolve to just not breathe, starting now.

“I’m guessing so. Do you mind?”

“Do I mind what? Having you as a deskmate? Of course not. I mean I don’t mind most people. But you’re not ---” He sees her pinch herself again. “Sorry. I ramble when I’m nervous.”

“Do I make you nervous?”

Bella blushes. Edward is glad they stopped breathing.

“I mean yeah. But also for this whole mating ceremony. Wolves believe that the moon goddess is more supportive of mate in the full moon which means any relationship that starts today is blessed by the moon goddess. That’s forever. It makes me nervous to meet a wolf.”

“I’ve already met my mate.” Edward says.

Bella looks confused, then sad, pinches herself again, and smiles.

“I’m happy for you. Who are they?” She asks, bravely.

“You silly.

----- ----- -----

“You silly.” Jacob hears to his right.

He looks at the pale girl from before, only she is blushing bright red now.

She looks around and they make eye contact. She rolls her eyes and looks back at the vampire in front of her. Jacob walks behind her to get a closer look at him.’

“Yes, you.” The 17 year old says. “I might not be a wolf but I know.” They make eye contact with Jacob over Bella’s head.

Being a vampire, I know.

Jacob’s eyes widen and he drops shields all around his head. he stumbles back. Into Leah. Who growls.

He feels her press into his shield. He lifts their mind-link shield and the one with the rest of the pack. Don’t want to have anyone notice.

She huffs but lets it go. She’s stressed about her speech.

Mate, Jacob’s wolf growls.

No. He’s glad for his shields.

“Thank you to the packs for all coming from across the country for our annual mating ceremony. To the humans, as this is your first meeting you will be seeing our pack as werewolves for the first time. , son.” Billy calls, rolling towards him.

“I can’t believe you opened our land to pale faces. This is ridiculous.” Jacob calls back to his father, ignoring his wolf.

Bella and Edward stare.

"Please don‘t be afraid. As you were warned this is how we confirm our mates.” Leah claps once. “Now mingle.”

“Jacob. Move around at him. He makes eye contact with Bella. They’re mates too!

He growls and stalks home.

Chapter 3

March 2022

Now before you think the mating ceremony was completely useless as our main mates didn’t get confirmed, take in these interactions.

Hot. Leah and Rosalie think at the same time.

Rose has to force herself not to jump back at a vampiric speed.

“I heard you.” The blonde tells the raven-haired woman.

“It’s called an imprint. Only the alpha, the beta, the gamma, and delta can do it.” Leah says smiling.


Leah laughs.

“I’m sorry my thoughts aren’t as polite as I would like them to be.”

“No worries, love. I accept the compliments. I’m Leah. The alpha. Can I learn my beloved’s name?”

“Rosalie. But you can call me Rose.”

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

Rose kisses her.

“I’m sorry. Was that forward? I haven’t dated in decades. It seems socially acceptable. But I don’t know if it’s accepted in werewolf society.”

“I did kiss back. So…”

“Wait, does that mean I’m Luna?”

“You are.”

“Wait isn’t that like the boss bitch?”

“I mean, I’m boss bitch. But yes, you’re in charge of submissive wolves and all non-wolves.”


----- ----- -----

“So tell me how wolves know who their mate is?” Alice asks Brody.

“Our inner wolf tells us.”

“Feel anything?” She asks leaning in.



She flitters to the next Quileute.

“Feel anything?” She asks Collin.

“No.” He says, confused.

“Feel anything?” She asks Paul.

“Who are you?”

“Alice. Am I your mate?” She goes at vampire speed.

“Uh, no.”

“Feel anything?” She asks Quil.


He laughs as she moves on, having watched her leave confusion in her wake.

“Feel anything?” She asks Embry.

“Mate.” He says.

She cheers and jumps into his arms.

He catches her before she hits the ground.

“I like you.” He says.

“I’m glad. I’m fun.” She responds, leaning into his neck to scent him.

----- ----- -----

“Sorry about my sister.” Emmett tells Paul.

“She’s spunky. I like ---” He looks Emmett in the eye. “Hi, I’m Paul.”

“I’m Emmett.”


“Me? I get the hot muscly guy?”

“I believe that’s my line.”

“Oh, yay. Two Pauls.” Seth says.

“You’re not supposed to be here.” Paul whispers.

“So don’t tell my dad.”

Paul moves Emmett next to him to hide Seth.

“He literally just wheeled by. This is a suicide mission.”

“You just lifted me like I was a feather.” Emmett says.

“We can all do that since we’re wolves.”

“You’re not.” Paul reminds Seth.

“I can feel it. My mate is here and I’m going to meet him.”

“How’s it going, Emmett?” Jasper asks, walking up.

“Good. This is my mate, Paul. This is, I don’t know his name.”

Jasper turns to Seth at those words.

“Mate.” Seth says. “Shit, Paul I’m about to transform.”

“What? Now?”

“Yes, now--” Seth takes a step back.

Paul moves Emmett and Jasper away.

A sandy-haired wolf stands on all fours where Seth was.

“Who shifted early?” Leah asks, walking up with Rose. “Why don’t I recognize them?”

“It’s Seth.” Paul says, grinning.

“Seth! Are you finally ready to be my Delta?” Leah asks, looking into her brother’s eyes.

He nods. Then pushes past her.

“Hey.” She starts to raise issue. Paul puts his arm out.

Seth walks up to Jasper. He puts his head on the ground.

“Yes. Of course, I accept you as my mate.”

“He’s already able to mind link?” Paul asks.

Leah looks focused for a moment.

“No, I’m not sensing any mind links.”

“I can read emotions. He felt sad and well a little ashamed.” Jasper clarifies. “I don’t care that you took a while to transform. I’m just glad we met.” He says, looking the wolf in the eyes.

“Does that mean everyone is mated?” Rose asks, looking around at her siblings.

“I am.” Alice says, on Embry’s back.


“I am.” Emmett says, kissing Paul’s cheek.

“I am not.” Tanya says, coming up.

“Well, you’re not a sibling but I care about you enough.”

“Rose.” Alice and Leah scold.

“Is there a wolf without a mate?” She calls.

Brody, Ethan, Collin, Quil, and Sam raise their hands.

“Come, look into my cousin’s eyes.”

“Thanks for making our meaningful ceremony sound dumb.” Leah jokes.

Her entire pack stares at her.

“What?” She asks.

“You’re not being strict and uncomfortable.” Sam says.

When Sam and her didn’t mate on her 18th birthday, they broke up on good terms.

Tanya starts looking into eyes.

“You’re cute.” She tells Sam.

“Good. Cause we’re mates.” He smiles.

“Oh! Can I get a piggyback ride too then?”

“Course babe.”

“Oh, and I might not be mated to her but I just asked Angela out.”

“Poly?” Sam asks.

She nods.

“I can do poly.”

“What happened to your over 18 rule?” Edward asks, walking up with Bella.

“She was held back by a racist teacher. So she’s already 18.” Tanya says. “Angela.” She calls.

Angela walks over with Ben.

“Yes, babe?” Angela asks.

“Babe, I’m mated with Sam.”

“Cool. Congrats. He and Ben can come on our date.”

“You’re dating Ben?”

“Not yet. But he asked me right after you did.”

“Nice.” Tanya says, offering a high five. Angela has to jump a little since Sam is sooooo tall.

“Hey, love.” Rosalie says.

“Yes, love.”

“If you’re alpha, are you the biggest?”

“No. That would be Jacob.”

“Who is Jacob?” Edward asks.

“I think he left already.” Bella says.

“Yeah, well, Leah is the fastest and strongest.” Embry says.

“Stronger than my man?” Emmett asks, gesturing with the hand on Paul’s shoulder.

“Easily.” Paul replies, with a shrug.

The wind shifts. All the vampires breathe in Bella’s scent. Jasper feels Edward’s bloodlust. They accidentally started breathing again.

“A singer’s bloodlust.” Jasper whispers.

“A human.” Rose mutters with disgust.

“Rosalie, don’t out yourself.” Leah whispers.

Bella looks around the group.

“So, mates huh?”

They laugh out of joy, frustration, discomfort.

Chapter 4

March 2022

Bella can’t believe it. She went to this event thinking she might end up with a werewolf for a mate. But she got a normal, everyday guy. If being GQ beautiful was normal.

----- ----- -----


What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned? 

To let go of puppy love

What chance encounter changed your life forever? 

Meeting my best friend and ex, Sam

What do you want your epitaph to be?

She led faithfully


What is the “Holy Grail” of your life?

To be the best Alpha I can be

What do you like most about your family? 


What is something you will NEVER do again? 

Fall for the wrong person

What are you most likely very wrong about?

Hurting Sam more by refusing to stop being friends.


What’s the biggest lesson you NEVER learned? 

To play nicely

What was the most memorable gift you’ve received? 

My grandparents’ wedding rings as a chain necklace long enough to wear when I transform.

What chapters would you separate your autobiography into? 

Childhood. Puppy love. Alpha alone. Mated Alpha

What do you hope your last words will be?

Something meaningful

What is something you can never seem to finish?

Stroking Jacob’s ego

----- ----- -----


What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned? 

That people won’t always be happy

What chance encounter changed your life forever? 

Two eggs dropping AND getting met with sperm to allow me and Jacob to be siblings.

What do you want your epitaph to be? 

He stayed positive

What is the “Holy Grail” of your life? 

Making people smile

What do you like most about your family? 


What is something you will NEVER do again? 

Wrestle Leah

What are you most likely very wrong about? 

That there are no evil people on Earth. But could there be, please?

What’s the biggest lesson you NEVER learned? 

When to listen to my dad

What was the most memorable gift you’ve received? 

My love of people

What chapters would you separate your autobiography into? 

The beginning. The middle. The end

What do you hope your last words will be? 

“Tell me you love me. I’ll love you forever”

What is something you can never seem to finish?


----- ----- -----


What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned? 

That life will never stay stable

What chance encounter changed your life forever? 

Meeting Rachel. Well did I meet Rachel? We’ve known each other since birth

What do you want your epitaph to be? 

He stayed loyal

What is the “Holy Grail” of your life?

Being the best partner I can be.


What do you like most about your family? 

That it’s huge. I mean there’s my immediate family. But the whole pack and tribe is family. That marries within. Yikes maybe not.

What is something you will NEVER do again? 

Wrestle Leah

What are you most likely very wrong about? 

That my mate will hate me. Or think I’m dumb. I hope.

What’s the biggest lesson you NEVER learned? 

To stop talking

What was the most memorable gift you’ve received? 

Rachel naming her son after me. I mean middle name but still. Billy Paul Black is a strong name.

What chapters would you separate your autobiography into? 

Early years. Preschool. Kindergarten. Elementary. Middle, High. That time I was high after Leah destroyed me wrestling and had wonderful images and dreams. Adulthood. I guess that will be split into multiple chapters too.

What do you hope your last words will be? 

I shall never die

What is something you can never seem to finish?


----- ----- -----


What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned? 

Don’t tease Jacob. He hurts.

What chance encounter changed your life forever? 

Meeting Jacob. Being in the same class as Jacob.

What do you want your epitaph to be? 

He protected her.

What is the “Holy Grail” of your life? 

Being a good werewolf

What do you like most about your family? 

Mom’s honesty

What is something you will NEVER do again? 

Tease Jacob. Even though he deserves it. All the time.

What are you most likely very wrong about? 

That my mate will love me from the start. I hope I’m wrong.

What’s the biggest lesson you NEVER learned? 

How to talk to Jacob without his ego shutting everything down.

What was the most memorable gift you’ve received? 

My dad’s wedding ring.

What chapters would you separate your autobiography into? 

Um, I’ll know when I write it

What do you hope your last words will be?


What is something you can never seem to finish?

Keeping secrets.

----- ----- -----

None of the pair wanted to part. Alas, they had school the next day.

Bella was thrilled with the idea that she would have a deskmate.

“So where were you?” She asks Edward sitting down, in English.

“The last few days we were camping. We go on sunny days.”

“Doesn’t that mean you miss a lot of school?”

“It’s not sunny here often.” Edward chuckles.

“That’s true.”

“Do you miss the sun?” He asks.

“Is it that obvious?”

“A little.”

“Well, you'll just have to make the move worth it." Bella says, brazenly.

"Bet." Edward says just as confident.

----- ----- -----

Edward takes her to Seattle that weekend. He wants to let the moon-mated of his siblings have their time introducing their mates to Carlisle and Esme.

They joke and tease with ease. Bella is confused because people always tell her she's got an old soul but Edward is on a new level. He randomly mixes in slang but it feels so forced. Like he's supposed to talk like he's from the 20s. It's a good look on him.

They run into Jacob.

"My dad paid me to meet up with you two." Jacob says, sliding into their booth next to Edward.

Vampire is still better than human. Even when said vampire is staring at you like you told his secret.

"Why?" Bella asks confused.

"He thinks that being friends with you will help my prejudice against the species as a whole."

"So you telling us you had to be bribed to even sit with us, is supposed to help that how?" Edward asks.

"I don't know. Forget it." He leaves the booth and disappears into the mall.

"Well, let's not let him ruin our afternoon." Edward says.

"But how did he find us?" Bella asks.

"I told Alice and Jasper where we were going. Their mates are his best friend and younger brother."

"But still in the whole mall, he just happened to bump into us."

"That is strange. Maybe he got a good whiff of our scents at the bonfire." Edward says.


Jacob is a strange one. But not as interesting as Edward is.

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