Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Austen goes Twilight: MP part 2

Chapter 6

Jacob runs through the woods. He's free. For once, he's free.

There's no wolves or vamps.

There's no Edward.

And there's no Bella riding horseback next to him.

It kinda. Well, it very much sucks. At least with people talking about him, he can pretend Edward isn't stealing away his heart.

—-- —-- —--

Jacob is sitting with Edward watching a movie. Well, Jacob is watching a movie. Edward is staring at him.

“Ed.” He sighs.

“I’m not.”

“You are.”

“Jacob, I’m not trying to read your mind.”

Jacob snickers.

“You know that’s what I was going to say so how can you tell me it’s not true?”

“Because.” Edward explains. “ Alice is watching us and heard you think it 3 minutes ago.”

Jacob rolls his eyes. And stands up.

“She thinks she’s helping but she’s not.” Jacob groans.

“You don’t have to fight your attraction for me.” Edward soothes.

“I’m not fighting my attraction to you. Do you not see me here, watching a movie with you?”

“You weren’t watching.”

“You weren’t watching.” Jacob replies.

And feels like a child for repeating them.

“What was happening, then?”

“I could ask you—” Edward raises their eyebrow at him. “Okay. So it’s your favorite movie that you’ve been asking me to watch for months. You know all about it. But doesn’t me sitting down to watch it say enough about my feelings of,” he takes a step towards the couch, “attraction.”

There’s a noise. A running of a horse interrupts Jacob’s thoughts. He listens closer and hears a faint scream. Bella!

Edward’s eyes widen and they both run out.

As they run to the edge of the territory, other members of Jake’s accidental pack join.

‘What’s wrong?’ Alice asks.

‘Well considering Embry transformed with the vampires around, and we’re all here, and Rose is out of town shopping with Leah, something must be wrong with the only human left.’ Seth rants.

He has a soft spot for Bella. He has a soft spot for everyone frankly.

Jasper sends out relaxing vibes.

‘Relaxing emotions won’t help our adrenaline if we need to fight.’ Edward points out.

‘Can you not?’ Quil, the theta, asks, looking at his alpha.

His alpha who seems to be growing bigger? And lighter?

‘Jake?!’ Edward shouts.

Bella is on the ground. A vampire stands over her.

“Ohhhhh.” He says. “This should be more fun than that just was.”

And the vampire runs away.

Jacob is impossibly large, white fur, and incredibly gentle as he nudges Bella’s prone body with his muzzle.

Jasper kneels to pick her up. He is technically the tallest vampire.

Jacob growls at him.

Alice tries. Also gets growled at.

‘Edward.’ Jacob commands.

‘Of course.’

Edward picks up the woman they’ve been ignoring. Alice has thought within 5 minutes of their first meeting that Bella would be in the way of them and Jake.

‘She’s changing.’ Edward tells Jacob.

‘I fucking know. Get her to Esme. Seth, Jasper, Alice, lets get Leah and Rose. We’re going on a hunt.’

‘Jake.’ Bella’s voice comes weakly.

‘Jacob, she needs you.’ Edwards instructs.

‘Let’s go home.’

Chapter 7

"What's wrong?" Rose asks when she sees Lady Esme holding Bella.

"She's been bit." She replies, perfectly calm.

"Where did you find her?" Leah asks.

"On our territory." Jacob says, pacing by the window.

"Jacob." Edward starts, putting a hand out.

"Shut up."

Edward pulls away. Before they just leave the room.

The silence lingers.

'Leah?' Jacob calls to the beta.

'Got it.'

She follows Edward's scent and finds them in Jacob's room.

'Edward.' She thinks, not in the link, just in her mind.

"I know, Leah. You know how it feels. I'm glad to have the comradery but.."

'I don't know how it feels.'


'Rose doesn't know about the imprint. Yeah she feels the pull. Yes we are friends. But I realized today, I don't need anything else. If she got bit, I wouldn't be feeling anything like Jacob is.'

"Thanks, Leah. That helps so much. Jacob does know about his imprint. He feels romantic attraction for me. And the reason he's holding back is currently losing all connection they have to him.

'You and I both know it is not Bella's humanness that keeps Jacob in love with her.'

"Yes. I can't imagine over a decade of loyalty."

'No, you can't. You can't imagine how much of the Jacob you love you owe to Bella herself.'

Edward looks rightly ashamed of themself.

'You know why you're agitated, don't you?'

"Yes. Jacob is going to be upset and he's going to go crazy protecting our-"

'You feel his pain through the mate bond and appreciate Bella more than you ever have before. And you worry that the imprint won't be enough. But that's not how imprinting works. Jacob will be with you romantically because of it.'

"I don't want it if it's not real."

'Which is why it hasn't existed yet. Edward, have you ever considered how much you have in common with Bella?'

They sulk.

'Yup. She's your twin flame. If you two are soulmates and you and Jacob are soulmates, chances are he and she are soulmates. Now how long until she wakes up?'

"It's been 8 hours so any minute---"


"If you would stop intterruptng me. You're only beta because--"

'Edward! She should have wokken up 2 hours ago.'


'She has vampire blood.'



This she says in the link.

Chapter 8

'What?' Jacob demands as soon as Leah and Edward return.

'Bella should have taken 6 hours to transform.' Edward answers.

'It takes 8 hours.' Alice replies.

'Bella has vampire blood.'

'No.' Jacob takes a step back.

'She does, Jake.' Esme adds.


'She's always been too pale, too controlled for a human. She's fast, strong, confident, pulls you in with ease.' Leah reasons.

'She's just amazing, not a born vampire.'

'What's wrong with her being born vampire?' Edward asks.

"Can you all share with me?" Rose could stand being non super when Bella was around to be the same.

"Because," Jacob explains, "if she's a born vampire, one that grows, it should have taken her 4 hours, not 6, and fucking not 8 to transform. It's hour 9. Listen to her heart."

Rose grows more impatient after that speech and the silence.


"It's beating too fast. It's speeding up every minute." Quil admits.

'Edward?' Jacob asks.

'We need to go.'

Chapter 9

Jacob can't convince Lady Esme to leave her oldest daughter so he asks Sir Carlisle to come with them.

He tells Rose, Leah, Quil, and Alice to protect Bella with Lady Esme.

Embry is excited to come with them. Maybe this will activitate whatever lets him into the mind like mind link and nothing else.

Well, not excited.

His older sister is dying. Or not dying correctly.

Everyone glares at him.

He puts up his shields.

----- ----- -----

Jacob hasn't told everyone where they are going. Carlisle figures it out but knows the alpha doesn't want to be bothered with questions.

----- ----- -----

After 4 days of travel, Jacob lets out a huge sigh.

'We are here.' He says, not taking anymore steps.

'Um, Jake.' Edward begins.

Jake's heart strings pull. They've never called him that.

'Sorry. Won't do it again. Where is here though?'

'My home tribe.'

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