Thursday, August 22, 2024

Austen goes Supernatural: Mansfield Park

Mansfield Park Volume I

Bella - Edmund

Edward - Mr. Crawford

Jacob - Fanny

Billy - Mrs. Price

Rose - Tom Bertram

Esme - Lady Bertram

Carlisle - Sir Bertram

Leah - Tom's friend

Embry - Julia

Quil - Mr. Rushworth

Alice - Maria

Jasper - Tom's friend

Charlie - ordainer

Seth - Mary Crawford

Emmett - Tom's friend

Paul - William

Little Jacob had no idea what was in store for him when he was shipped out by Billy. But Jacob knew his face reminded Billy of his mother, Sarah, but didn't know it was bad enough for his father to pack him up on a random Thursday and put him on a train.

The train he was currently departing.

Jacob looked around. He didn't know what he was looking for but felt the need.

A bright eye girl held a sign that read "Jacob Black.".

He walked over curious why this 12 year old was in public alone.

Yes, Jacob was alone but his father hadn't cared in months.

"Hello, Jake." The girl side grinning. "Everyone has been anxious to meet you. They aren't home but--."

"Home?" Jacob asks ignoring the nickname for now.

"Of course, our home is your home now."

"Like forever?" Jacob tried to hide his emotions.

"Well..." The older brunette hestitated now knowing what had been told the boy. "Come along."

Jacob followed the girl to a town car. She held the door open and when he didn't move, took his hand and led him into the car.

"Simon, drive on please." She said soon as they were buckled.

The girl turned, wide eyed.

"My mother would scold me. Where are my manners? I'm Bella Swan."

Jacob offers his hand automatically and murmurs his name.

"Well of course. I designed the sign."

"What's next?" Jacob asked.

"Well. my family is out for the afternoon so it will be the two of us at lunch. School will start on Monday. And that's about it."

"Oh." Jacob sighs.

This might be forever.

"Oh, don't worry, love. My family will adore you."

----- ----- -----

Adore them they did not.

Alice turned a nose up aft his off brand clothing.

Rose laughed at how awkward the boy was. Until her father glared at her. Which in turn made Jacob a person to hate.

Embry tried to be friendly but the underlying contempt for no longer being the youngest in the home was not hidden.

Aro reminded Embry that Jacob was here to make sure Lady Esme didn't miss her children too much. Which was news to Jacob. Aro got glared at by Sir Carlisle. And found an excuse to leave for the housekeeping.

The only one who made a point to converse at breakfast and dinner, for Jacob ended up not going to school with his psuedo siblings, was Bella.

She was preoccupied with 7th grade and following in Rose's shadow but Jacob felt appreciative of the bursts of affection.

After a month in the house the name Jake didn't phase him as much.

When said by Bella.

When anyone else said it, they whispered it.

Turns out Lady Esme was his mother's best friend. Lady Esme had bought him from his father. Except Jacob wasn't as much like his mom as the ladyship had expected.

"Jake!" Bella called, eager to tell him about her day.

She found the 9 year old in the corner of the old nursery.

"Hmm. Did Rose do something?"

Jacob sniffles.

"She did." Bella accuses.

"She finally told me the truth." Jacob begins to sob anew.

"Rose is jealous that mother cares for you."

"Lady Esme spent money on me!" Jacob accidentally shouts.

Not that anyone gives his room any mind.

"Because that was your father's demand."

"That helps. Thanks Bella." He snarks.

"Jake, I'm sorry you've been unloved. But my mother and I are here for you. Since your mom died, you've been on your own in the world. We got you."

Jacob stares in Bella's eyes.

Bella hasn't felt much for the bogy but this moment changes everything.

Jacob nods at the sincerity he sees in her expression.

Chapter 2

The years pass slowly but surely. Lady Esme finds Jacob the best parts of her old friend after all. And even the traits similar to his father are forgiven over time.

Bella convinces her mother to enroll the child in school once Bree shows up on the land.

You see this land is a supernatural haven. But all Lady Esme ever cared for was the young, be them human, wolf, or vamp. Nothing else could get her affection.

Jacob loved school and with Bella's tutoring, finished 3 years early. At 24, there wasn't a wolf for miles who compared.

Chapter 3

"Ahh!" Alice yells running through the house.

There's silence as she waits for her family. The family however is used to her outbursts and don't want to bother.

"No one?" She whispers.

Jacob and Bree, who are the only supernatural children, walk in. Jacob inhales. Alice's natural cinnamon spice scent is overlaid with almost too sweet vanilla. It wasn't a bad scent. Rather it reminded him of ---.


"You're a vampire!" Bree shrieks, zooming to her sister.

"Never mind any of that. I have news!" Alice buzzes.

Knocking Bree away by force, on accident.


"It was an accident!" Alice scoots away from Bree.

Bree decides not to flip her in the air.

"Oh, good." Alice sighs.

And up she goes.

"You decided not to." Alice exclaims.

"You seemed so sure I would. I usually don't to keep you all on your toes. So how did you know?"

"I... I have a confession."

"Other than being a vampire?" Jacob asks looking up from his great height of 6'9".

"I can see the future."

By now, Rose and Embry have entered the room. They fall on the floor laughing.

"You can see the future?" Embry teases the next in age.

"You're acting like children." Alice stomps the air.

Bree chooses that moment to drop her.

"Now you're on the ground too."

Alice sweeps her foot. Down goes Bree.

"And so are you."

Jacob feels the presence of a wolf on the border.

He speed walks out of the room. He runs once he's out of the courtyard.

He senses more than hears his sisters running behind him. He transforms to get there first.

He must protect.

There's a personage entering the territory.

"I come in peace." The shape shifter says.

"What are you? An alien wolf?" Bree snarks.

The stranger holds his hands up higher, scanning the view in front of him.

"I ---" he breaks off as he meets Alice's eye.

"Great. Someone else I can't banter with. Another Bella." Bree says, walking slowly away.

She's still here for the drama.

"Imprinting distracted Quil." Alice claims.

The wolf starts to walk to Alice. Jacob growls.

The wolf shows his neck in submission.

"Let my mate be."

Jacob snaps back to Alice in shock.

"Can I?" 'Quil' asks still submissive.

Bree tracks a finger from Jacob to Quil to Alice.

'Please!' Quil begs telepathically.

'Yes. Please!' Alice does the same.

"Fuck!" Jacob transforms back.

Not the first time he is naked in front of his family but he still hides himself.

A horse neighs.

"Interesting sight to come home to." Bella's voice cuts through the air.

Chapter 4

Looking at the Bertram siblings you'd think it was a wake for how serious everyone was. Except Alice was reaching for Quil past Jacob.

"Explain." Bella commands.

"Mother and father went on a trip. Left me in charge." Rose begins.

"Jake?" Bella asks having no time for the overly confident oldest.

"Alice snuck out last night and came back a vampire. Apparently she can see the future and saw Quil come into our lives." Jacob reports obediently though he thinks nothing much has to be shared.

The main thing on Jacob's mind is why this wolf seems just as fascinated with him as his supposed mate.

"Jacob is now my alpha." Quil shares.

"Jacob?" Bella, Embry and Rose ask in shock.

"What?" Jacob demands.

"I'm a rogue wolf. I come for refuge. I hear great things about this place. But I wasn't expecting a lone wolf alpha."

"I'm no alpha." Jacob shouts before storming out.

"Forgive him." Bella says. "We grant you asylum." She adds as Rose forget her responsibliities.

Neither of the other two siblings are bothered by Jacob. Alice looks after him before grabbing Quil. They have so many questions for their new family member. For Quil skips Jacob's place as an mate of a sibling. Even if Quil seems to have too much respect for Jacob, they will humor his questions about the boy for a trade.

----- ----- -----

The news of the smother being gone from the house travels fast. From across the continent comes, in order: a she wolf named Leah, a vampire called Jasper, and a wolf named Seth.

Seth is added to the pack Jacob has began with Quil, Alice and a reluctant Leah for less than a day before he runs ahead of them, yelling in their link.

They get there just in time to see a vampire get tackled by the young gray wolf. Jasper growls, a reference to the mate bond between Seth and him.

'You don't own me, biyatch.' Seth growls back.

Jacob and Quil laugh so much that they transform back.

The vampire stills and moves their eyes as quickly as they can.

'This is Edward. They're the reason I transformed.' Seth introduces.

"Wonderful. Thanks, little one." Edward says.

'He can hear you.' Jasper reacts.

This is not going well.

"I read minds. Jasper I know you're trying to affect my mood for a fight to show Seth what he means to you." Edward soothes. "I would never."

"I like him." Alice zooms to the new vampire.

"I like your thoughts." Edward replies.

"Edward, you can't tell people you like their thoughts." She laughs back as Quil growls. "And that is why."

"Oh, the fair lady is taken?" They ask.

"Ohhh, I really like you." She coos.

Quil growls again.

"Dude, you are naked. It's difficult to take you serious." Edward snarks.

"Can we go?" Jacob says, newly dressed.

"Thank you, alpha." Edward bows slightly.

On looking up, Edward freezes into a stature.

And Jacob sees red.

Red eyes. Red blood. Red Bella.

Edward is his mate.

It was supposed to be Bella.

Jacob turns and walks away. Not angry. Just .... just. Something.

Chapter 5

Jacob is in mourning.

Edward is trying to comfort him and get to know him.

Bella is concerned.

And the summer passes.

The parents come home.

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