Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Austen goes Twilight: S&S part 2

Chapter XIX (19) - The Palmers come to visit

Chapter XX (20) - Mrs. Palmer gives Elinor some information about Willougby
Chapter XXI (21) - The Miss Steeles arrive at Barton Park for a visit
Chapter XXII (22) - Miss Lucy Steele tells Elinor a great secret

Volume II

Sense and Sensibility Volume II

Chapter I (23) - Elinor considers the secret, and contrives to get Lucy alone
Chapter II (24) - Lucy tells the whole story
Chapter III (25) - Mrs. Jennings invites Marianne and Elinor to London
Chapter IV (26) - Arrival in town; Marianne writes a letter; meetings with old friends
Chapter V (27) - The fine weather keeps the sportsmen in the country; Colonel Brandon asks Elinor a question
Chapter VI (28) - Willoughby! Will you not shake hands with me?
Chapter VII (29) - Willoughby writes to Marianne
Chapter VIII (30) - Marianne despairs; Colonel Brandon pays an evening-visit
Chapter IX (31) - Colonel Brandon tells Elinor a story about Willougby
Chapter X (32) - Marianne learns the truth; the Miss Steeles are in town
Chapter XI (33) - A visit to Gray's; Mr. John Dashwood has high hopes for Elinor
Chapter XII (34) - A dinner at the John Dashwoods', to which Fanny's dear mamma is invited
Chapter XIII (35) - Lucy and Edward Ferrars call upon Elinor
Chapter XIV (36) - Marianne is in a decline; Mr. Robert Ferrars expounds upon the joys of a cottage; Mrs. John Dashwood invites the Miss Steeles to Harley Street

Volume III

Sense and Sensibility Volume III

Chapter I (37) - The secret is out!
Chapter II (38) - The fallout; Elinor hears from Lucy
Chapter III (39) - Marianne wants to go home; Mrs. Jennings overhears a conversation between Elinor and Colonel Brandon
Chapter IV (40) - Elinor tells Edward that Colonel Brandon wishes to be of service to him
Chapter V (41) - Elinor calls on Mrs. John Dashwood; Mr. Robert Ferrars gives his opinion of his brother's affairs
Chapter VI (42) - The girls arrive at Cleveland; Marianne falls ill
Chapter VII (43) - Marianne is much worse; Elinor sends for her mother; an unexpected visitor
Chapter VIII (44) - Willoughby endeavours to explain himself
Chapter IX (45) - Marianne is much better; Mrs. Dashwood arrives, and has some interesting news for Elinor
Chapter X (46) - Marianne receives Colonel Brandon; home to Barton; Marianne apologizes for her behaviour; Elinor tells her Willoughby's story
Chapter XI (47) - The Dashwoods' manservant runs into Lucy
Chapter XII (48) - A most unexpected visitor, with most unexpected news
Chapter XIII (49) - Edward declares himself, and endeavours to explain himself as well
Chapter XIV (50) - Mrs. Ferrars comes around; Marianne can never love by halves

Chapter 4

Bella as always wakes up before Jacob. Being a wolf requires 12 fhours of sleep in her opinion. Jake said it was 10 but he was simply not eager to face the day most of the time.

She'd wished he was more eager to face today. She knew he'd been hurt by Edward's wording but she hoped the tone had been exaggerated. Based on the rumors Jacob recalled to her last night, Edward's heart was not available.

After showering, she snuck out, (as much as you can sneak living with a werewolf).

Bella is less than 20 fit from the dorm when Alice appears from nowhere.

"Oh, dear Bella. I'm sorry to have startled you. I knew it was going to happen but I couldn't control myself."

Bella wonders if the girl has ever even tried to control herself.

"Where's Jacob?" Alice asks, looking all around Bella.

"Surely, your visions tell you he is asleep."

"Werewolves, being our natural enemy, have always been a tricky spot for me. I'm lucky enough to have seen what I did between Edward and Jacob yesterday." Alice speeds barely within human processing. "Oops." Her eyes widen.

Bella blinks.

"Wolves are vampires natural enemy?"

Alice takes a deep needless breath, glad that's what Bella is focusing on.

"Yes, of course. Werewolves evolved to kill us. Nothing else has the biology to. Humans and other creatures need tools. Wolves can cut through our bodies."

"And yet, you all get along?"

Alice freezes.

"Okay." Bella agrees. "Not great but wolves make up a sixth of the school. And this school is number 3 in the world. That's pretty telling. As is Rose and Leah being together."

"Rose and Leah are not together." Alice bemoans.

"Pixie." The 6'4" she wolf warns.

"Freaking blind spot." Alice says before running away. "There are fairies at this school." She calls back.

"And you could be one." Leah retorts.

Bella feels the vibe change as a pair of eyes settle on her.

"Yes?" She asks, trying not to tremble and to manage to meet the eye of the second most intimidating person she has ever met.

"Tell your brother to be careful. And to find me."

"If my brother was being careful, he would not find you." Bella blurts out.

She processes what she said and throws her hands over her mouth.

"Sorry." She mumbles behind her hands.

"No. No. I like that. I'm alpha of the school pack. I'm here for Jacob . But I will not baby him." Leah says before stalking away.

Guess that conversation is over?

Bella decides she needs to wait on the cafeteria until Jacob joins her. So she heads to the library.

----- ----- -----

"They really said all that?"

Bella jumps.

Edward is standing next to her waiting for an answer.

There's another beat of silence. Her heart gives one too.

"Shit. Yes, this school can give you a heart attack. You wouldn't even be the first student this school year." Edward sighs.

"Then maybe you all should announce yourselves with bells."

"Bells for Bella will be implemented the school round."

"Shut up." She punches their arm. "fuck." She whispers, embarrassed again.

"Yeah. Not your wisest." Edward puts a freezing hand on hers. "That should help."

Bella and Edward are standing, staring at each other for 3 minutes. Each daring the other to speak first, Bella in her thoughts and Edward with a raise eyebrow.

And that's when Jake walks in.

"Goddamnit." He mutters just loud enough for Bella to hear.

And takes off.

Chapter 5

'Go after him!' Bella instructs.

Edward strolls further into the library.

'Shittake.' Bella thinks.

Edward smiles at her and then looks at the door forlorn. They shrug and shake their head.

'That was planned?!' Bella accuses.

Edward meets her eye.

And disappears.

Chapter 6

Jake is being ridiculous.

Edward doesn't belong to him.

Even if he feels intensely.

Even if it mimics the sensation he felt when his father saw Charlie.

Even if it feels even stronger than that.

Edward can make their choice.

It's just if Edward's choice was a ghost of their past. If Edward wanted Paul or Jasper or whatever name they all say. If it was before they had Jacob in their life.

Jacob is not in their life.

But oh.

Oh, he longs to be.

Jacob, not paying a lick of attention, bumps into someone.

"My apologies." He says as they both tumble over.

Oh, this is getting repetitive.

"No worries." The man murmurs.

Jacob jumps to his feet and lifts the man by his shoulders with ease.

"A wolf by the show of strength it takes to knock over a vampire and lift one in a single moment." The man grins.

"Again, I'm sorry."

"Again, there are no worries."

The voice is almost as smooth as Edward's.

Maybe the attraction can mimic the one he as for Ed--.


"What's your name?" Jacob asks.

"James. At your service, Sir." He bows.

Jacob laughs, feeling 10,000 pounds lighter already.

Chapter 7

Bella is no where near intimidated by Edward. For all that they are a few years older and totally down to eat her.

So she goes after them.

"I am not 'totally down to eat you'." They whisper.

"I don't know. You all looked at Mike and me pretty weird yesterday."

Edward is too much of a gentleman to explain why.

"No plan or desire to eat you, promise."

And they really crosses their heart and hopes to die.

"You are already dead. That means nothing."

They snicker.

"Did you have to do that to Jacob? He feels... something for you." Bella is unsure of the extent.

"Do you know what imprinting is?" Edward asks.

"No." She states simply.

"Your stepfather imprinted on your dad."

Bella blinks to both sides.

"I thought you didn't keep up with wolf news?"

"Shit. I knew he would take that wrong."

Bella glares at them.

"So you lied?"

"I exaggerated. Or understated."

"You lied. And you just did it again with the hand hold."

"That was a misunderstanding."

"Planned misleading from you. Though I'm not sure how."

"Alice saw it possibly happening." Edward shrugs.

"So you made it happen."

"Bella, I'm a 300 year old vampire stuck in a 26 year old's body. Jacob is at the beginning of his life at 21 years old. We shouldn't be."

"But you are."

"Are not."

"Gods. You are immature enough for a 21 year old. The cosmos have decided."

"No." They say stubbornly. "It's not in his best interest."

"If he imprinted, you should have felt the mate bond."

Edward looks down.

"You did!" Bella shouts.

"Shh." says a fellow student. Not even the librarian.

"Fuck off." Bella tells them.

The girl flips her off.

"Victoria isn't an enemy you want."

"Fuck you." She tells Edward instead.

Chapter 8

Within 40 days, Jacob and James have hung out 220 times.

Yes, between classes for breaks count. Be quiet, Bella.

James is keeping it very pg. And it's driving Jacob insane.

He might be 2 years younger. Like physically. Who cares about several centuries, chronoligically?

James literally stopped them from "heavy petting" - his words because Bella was due back.

She wasn't back for 3 hours.

But she was with Mike so Jacob couldn't be mad at her.

His fling? Boyfriend? Person?

No. Not person.

Person belongs to --.

Um, right. Well Jacob had taken James' hints and asked Phil for a hotel room.

(Didn't know when caused an argument between Renee and Charlie where Charlie pointed out Phil was bragging about Jacob's athleticism and Bella's grades.)

This was the night.

He was going to lose his virginity.

Chapter 9

Jacob wakes up, very, very pleased with himself.

He reaches for James.

And feels nothing but mattress. No, wait there's paper.

Jacob's eyes open.

Hey dude,

I had to go.

So James is a fuck and leave.

And call you dude in the goodbye note.

Jacob curls up.

Chapter 10

"tell me about James." Bella asks Mike.

"James sucks." Mike replies. "Why?"

"Why didn't you say anything while Jacob was getting closer to him?"

"Because you seemed really happy for your brother."

"Well, James left him with a note."

"Better than a text which is how he broke up with Jess--" Mike cuts himself off.


"A---" He starts to say.

"James and Jacob broke up?" Edward asks.

'Were they ever truly together given the mate bond?' Bella sneers.

"Bella. Where is he?"

'Sulking in bed.'

"I meant James."

'Fuck if I know.'

Edward storms away.

'You have my permission to kill him.' She thinks.

Edward flips her off.

"Do I want to know?" Mike asks.


And he listens.

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