Monday, August 19, 2024

Austen goes Twilight: Emma

Emma Volume I

Bella - Emma

Jacob - Harriet

Edward - Knightley

Rose - Mr. Elton

Leah - Mrs. Elton

Charlie - Mr. Woodhouse

Carlisle - Harriet 1.0

Esme - Mr. Martin

Emmett - Mrs. Weston

Jasper - Jane



Seth - School girls

Jared - Mr. Churchill

Bree - Ms. Churchill


Jane Knightley Children

Angela - Mrs. Knightley

Alice - Mr. Knightley

Chapter VI (6) - Emma works on her scheme, and sends Mr. Elton to London on important business
Chapter IX (9) - Mr. Elton writes a charade for Miss ------.
Chapter X (10) - Emma and Harriet discuss marriage, and walk with Mr. Elton
Chapter XI (11) - Mr. and Mrs. John Knightley and family come to Hartfield for a visit
Chapter XII (12) - Mr. Knightley dines at Hartfield, and Mr. Woodhouse and Mr. John Knightley discuss the seashore
Chapter XIII (13) - A Christmas Eve party at Randalls, but Harriet is ill
Chapter XIV (14) - Will Frank Churchill come to visit?
Chapter XV (15) - Mr. Elton declares himself
Chapter XVI (16) - Emma wonders where her scheme went awry
Chapter XVII (17) - Harriet's disappointment; Mr. Elton goes to Bath
Chapter XVIII (18) - Emma and Mr. Knightley discuss Frank Churchill

Volume II

Emma Volume II

Chapter I (19) - Emma and Harriet call on Mrs. and Miss Bates, who have a letter from Jane Fairfax, though it is not her day for writing
Chapter II (20) - The history of Jane Fairfax, who is acquainted with Frank Churchill
Chapter III (21) - Mr. Elton is engaged; Harriet runs into Mr. Martin at Ford's
Chapter IV (22) - Mr. Elton returns to Highbury with news of his intended bride
Chapter V (23) - Harriet calls on the Martins; Frank Churchill finally shows up
Chapter VI (24) - Emma and Frank get on very well together, and discuss Jane Fairfax
Chapter VII (25) - Frank goes to London to get his hair cut; there is to be an evening-party at the Coles'
Chapter VIII (26) - The party at the Coles'; Miss Fairfax receives a pianoforte
Chapter IX (27) - Emma and Harriet hash over the party and run into Miss Bates and Mrs. Weston
Chapter X (28) - Everybody goes to Bates'
Chapter XI (29) - Mrs. Weston wishes to give a ball
Chapter XII (30) - Frank's aunt falls ill, and the ball is postponed
Chapter XIII (31) - Emma's got a crush!
Chapter XIV (32) - Mr. Elton brings his bride home; Emma finds her elegantly dressed
Chapter XV (33) - Mrs. Elton makes Jane her project; Emma and Mrs. Weston discuss Mr. Knightley's matrimonial prospects
Chapter XVI (34) - Emma gives a dinner for the newlyweds at Hartfield
Chapter XVII (35) - Mrs. Elton wants to find a proper situation for Jane
Chapter XVIII (36) - Frank Churchill's spring plans

Volume III

Emma Volume III

Chapter I (37) - The plans for the ball at the Crown are revived
Chapter II (38) - Mr. Knightley teaches Mr. Elton a lesson
Chapter III (39) - Harriet and a friend meet some gipsies
Chapter IV (40) - Harriet disposes of some relics
Chapter V (41) - Mr. Knightley is suspicious of Frank and Jane
Chapter VI (42) - A strawberry-picking party at Donwell Abbey
Chapter VII (43) - A picnic at Box Hill
Chapter VIII (44) - A very ashamed Emma calls on the Bateses; Jane Fairfax finds a situation
Chapter IX (45) - Mr. Knightley is going away
Chapter X (46) - Interesting news from Frank Churchill
Chapter XI (47) - Harriet has a rude surprise for Emma
Chapter XII (48) - Emma's in lurrrrrve
Chapter XIII (49) - Mr. Knightley declares himself
Chapter XIV (50) - A letter from Frank Churchill
Chapter XV (51) - Mr. Knightley makes plans
Chapter XVI (52) - Emma and Jane become friends at last
Chapter XVII (53) - Mrs. Weston has a daughter, and Mr. Woodhouse a rude shock
Chapter XVIII (54) - Mr. Robert Martin declares himself, redux
Chapter XIX (55) - Perfect happiness, though a shocking lack of white satin and veils

Bella had never had a reason to doubt how people feel about her.


Because everyone sang her praises hourly.

"Bella!" Rose yelled on the other end of the phone. "How do you write like this?"

It was 3,500 words about a restaurant thrown together an hour before bed last night. But Bella will never admit to half assing things.

"Oh, you know. When I care..."

"You can do anything." Rosalie finishes Bella's saying.

Hey, Bella never said she was modest.

----- ----- -----

Jacob shook his head.

Ever since he started his mentorship with Bella, the house had been silly to him. Seth, Embry, and Quil tried but they were as nonsensical as the rest sometimes.

Most times.

Well, Bella would never.

And now neither would Jacob.

----- ----- -----

Bella: you missed the wedding!

Edward smiles as he hears the shock and complaint in her text.

Edward: I was still surrounded by newlyweds.

Bella: oh sure. The best to our sisters. But Angela's cooking has nothing on a five course meal from Eunice.

Edward: Aren't you going to ask about them?

Bella: Alice calls for 10 minutes every day. There is nothing about your 3 week stay that I don't know.

Edward: valid.

Bella: Aren't YOU going to ask about them? My triumph?

Edward: you had what to do with Emmett and Paul's wedding?

Bella: if Paul hadn't had such an amazing review written by yours truly, I would never had gotten a free meal and thought to invite Emmett since the menu had become a hyperfixation of his. After? Reading my article.

Edward: Seems like a stretch.

Bella: But you don't disagree that it's possibly because of me?

Edward: the chance is there.

Bella: correct answer. Now, when will you arrive?

Edward checks the time.

Edward: my train will get to Grand Central in 3 hours.


Bella: really, Edward. You must enter the 20th century. Flying is not bad.

Edward: it is the 21st century.

Bella: that's how far behind you are.

Edward: you ignored my question of why.

Bella: I  have a surprise for you.

Edward: ?

Bella: see you in 3.5 hours. :)

Chapter 2

Bella opened her door with her most dazzling smile.

"Oh, Jacob." She greets.

"Expecting someone else?" He asks, hugging her.

"Yes, a very important family friend. They disapprove of everything I do so I wanted them to meet you."

Jacob follows her through the foyer into the dining room.

"If they disapprove of everything, why introduce them to me?"

"So I can show them how much I will improve you."

A week and a half ago, Jacob would have been unaware he was lacking in any way. Now he nods as Bella guides him to his chair.

She's about to sit when the door bell rings again.


Jacob gets very hot and very dizzy. So he stays at the table.

"have you heard from Carlisle?" A smooth voice that seems to dance through the air, inquires.

"Yes. Why? When did you last hear from Carlisle?"

"2 weeks ago. So you know that Esme asked him out?"

"I do. I also know he turned her down."

"Carlisle turned down the girl he's been in love with since freshman year."

"Yes." Bella states.

There's a moment of silence.

"Bella!" The voice scolds. "You did something."

"I did nothing."


"Fine. I simply reminded Carlisle that everyone from the fratsorar has awards in their writing careers. Everyone except Esme."

"Why does it matter?" The voice asks annoyed.

Jacob wants to stop thinking "the voice" so he goes into the living room as Bella is explaining prestige and it's hereditary factors.

He locks eyes with the stranger. And his body shakes violently.

"Get out!" The voice yells. "Now." It soothes out a bit.

Jacob runs.

Chapter 3

Bella stares after Jacob.

"Well, that's Jacob." She tells Edward.

"I've heard of your "project"." They say without their usual snark.

"You okay?" Bella asks.

"I mean, are you? Your mentee just ran out of your house."

"The whole fratsorar has been doing that lately. Like every day when I've gone over, someone is rushing out."

Edward shakes their head.


"I can't tell you." Edward sighs.

"I'll find out." Bella promises.

Edward would be worried. If they hadn't been hiding this for years and Bella's skills hadn't picked up yet. Seems the supernatural word is immune to her investigations.

"Let's eat." Bella commands.

Completely unbothered by Jacob.

Edward is definitely affected.

----- ----- -----

"I'm a shapeshifter."

Turns out Bella doesn't need to investigate.

"That's ridiculous." Bella waves a hand.

"You need to know this." Jacob argues.

She glares at him.

No one talks to her that way. Not even her own father.

"Do you want to rephrase that?" She demands.

"I'm sorry, Bella." Jacob rubs his neck. "I need to share this."

"Let's pretend shapeshifters exist. What can you change into?"

"A ---." He hestaites. What if she still doesn't believe him? "A wolf."

"I'm sure it only happens once a month right. Or is it every 28 days?" Bella rolls her eyes.

"I turn into a fu--" Bella glares at him, daring him to curse.

Lesson one of Bella Swan's writing mentorship style, cursing is crude and true writers can describe life with more imaginative language.

Jacob had agreed at the time but isn't sure he does anymore.

"I turn into a flipping huge wolf."

"And next you'll be Doctor Donna." She snickers.

Jacob stares at her.

"That's only one of the best episodes of Doctor Who to exist."

"Okay! Doctor Who. Doctor Who and Star Trek teach that once you remove that possible, whatever is left, however impossible must be the truth."

"Why are you misquoting Spock and connecting it to DW?" Bella shortens, against lesson two, out of shock.


Bella stands and walks further into the backyard. If this boy thinks he is going to scold her, he has another think coming. Edward is the only one allowed to do that.

She hears a gigantic sigh. She turns around proud of how quickly he listened and changed his mind. But as she turns she hears the ripping of clothes.

A gigantic, well flipping huge dog stands before her.

She takes several steps back. The dog stays where it is but stares her down.

That's not terrifying. Especially because it's not a dog. It's a, excuse her, fucking wolf.

"Jacob?" She might believe him.

He nods. The wolf nods. Jacob nods?

This is surreal.

"Jake why?" Leah yells, running out of the Greek house.

The wolf moves and changes. Jacob stands before them.


That's Bella's cue to leave.

Chapter 4

Bella's phone rings. She looks at the name.

Oh good! It's Edward. They always know how to calm her. Except, well, they also know how to rile her up more.

She recenters and answers.

"Hello." She greets like she hadn't just seen her mentee and growing to be best friend turn into a wolf. And one of her sor sisters imply she also became a wolf. The sor sister she was terrified of.

"Bella?" Edward asks.

Which makes her realize they have said her name a few times before she processed it.


"Something happened." They state.

Not a question because they already know.


How will Edward go about this? They had gotten a call from Alice But they can't just say "oh, my sister, your sister in law, saw a vision of you and it cut out for several minutes before you came back freaking out".

Because then Bella would ask why Alice has visions. Which would bring up how Alice was supernatural. How most of the fratsor had been supernatural during their tenure. And now seems to be supernatural again. If it ever stopped.

"What's wrong, Bells?"

That nickname. The one her father let slip on a visit. The one Edward started teasing her about in their second year. The one they whispered in their fourth year while leaning in before Alice interrupted them on New Year's Eve, well New Year's, to tell the both of them that there would be a wedding.

The nickname Rose used at Alice and Angela's wedding in her speech. Before getting glared at by both Edward and Bella. Rose quickly repeated the sentence with Bella's main nickname.

"Bells? I lost you a second time?"

How could she out Jacob? People would hunt him. Edward would never. But they might accidentally let it slip.

"Isabella Swan. I know what happened."

"You know Jacob Black is a werewolf."

Edward gasp. They can fake surprise with the best.

"You tricked me." Bella accuses.

"And you're an investigive writer."

"I will be one day."

Bella realizes she's not doing her dream. Just like Esme hasn't recieved an award yet.

"Jacob can distract Carlisle from Esme." She cheers.

"How does your brain work?"

"Bye!" She yells excited.

Hanging up as Edward tries to explain how much Carlislle and Jacob won't work out.

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