I need to buy this book
The dedication:
For every girl who has felt ugly, wrong, bad, weak - you are beautiful, you are right, you are good, you are powerful beyond imagination.
#7 of 9 points that explode beauty standards:
It is not your job to be beautiful
Health at every size - HAES
Is people never pronouncing your name correctly a microaggression? It comes from inside the house too.
John Harvey Kellogg was a clean eating advocate. Keeping your body clean helped keep your soul clean - from sex!
And their world views and spiritual beliefs were beyond most white men's comprehension.
Nine gross characteristics of diet culture
#1 you learn about diet culture when you're a kid
#4 you learn to compliment people if they look like they've lost weight - and to have minimal concerns about how it happened.
Ch 7 Why is my family always talking about my body?
#3 they ate being inappropriate and controlling
Remember: you have the right to set boundaries and communicate with your family around what you need to feel safe I your body.
Self-love is about recognizing and accepting that you are precious and valuable.
Stuff to say to trolls
Chapter 10 I'm tired of hating myself... so how do I love myself?
Forty quick things you can do to develop self-love
#4 get rid of your "skinny" jeans
Just for that I'm putting them on my shopping list for fall
#14 say out loud as often as possible: "I'm valuable and sacred"
#15 write a love letter to your body
#16 light a little candle, and for the entire time it burns, think or write down nice things about yourself until it goes out
#18 don't date or have crushes on people who are homophobic, transphobic, fatphobic, or racist
#19 watch shows and movies that portray all kinds or people in empowering and positive ways
#33 come up with a secret thing that makes you feel like yourself or makes you feel grounded.
#35 watch movies and social media with a critical lense. Notice who the main characters and who the villains are, and ask yourself why. Notice how people of different races, sizes, and economic backgrounds are portrayed, and ask yourself why.
#36 experiment with different lengths of hair, growing out body hair, and how you dress
#37 focus on communicating what you want and need.
#38 listen yo music that makes you feel seen and heard
#39 talk to yourself the way you'd talk to someone you really love. That means no more insults or name-calling.
I'm a fool bitch. Try to stop me!
#40 recognize that it's okay to have bad days when you're really down on yourself. You didn't fail! Remind yourself that you didn't choose to learn crappy (body) ideals
Part three
Be you, not what someone else thinks you should be
Chapter 12 say no at least once a day
Alternatively, personally, say yes at least once a day
Chapter 13 - going into sixth grade increased dieting from "regular dieting". Does the author mean their normal eating or their average diet that happened repeatedly through life?
Healthy and thin are not the same thing
Learn the basics of a new language
Write everyone you know a note telling the how amazing they are
Chapter 15 find your allies
People who:
Genuinely want you to thrive and succeed
You trust
Do what they can to make sure you are safe and successful
Where you live and hang out. Your not chosen community, NCC. Some become CC, chosen community. Some don't.
"Because my boyfriend was a straight white dude, he was able to feel comfortable in most places because we live in a culture that was built to make him feel comfortable. I, on the other hand, do not feel comfortable in many places, because we live in a culture that wasn't built to make me feel comfortable.
He was afraid of my umbrella because it made him feel like an outsider (my personal add, stand out and a target because no one else had one). I'm used to feeling like an outsider - whether I have a bright umbrella covered in dogs open or not.
I never thought I'd be the kind of person who wore tight neon pants or a silver-sequined jumpsuit.
When I was in middle and high school, everything in my closet was pretty much the same color. The most adventurous color in my wardrobe was dark blue.