One of the biggest problems in my life is my lack of communication skills. As an INFJ, I can feel people getting confused and frustrated by me but I can't change it.
It affects my relationship with my family and my friends. My friends think it's hilarious. They hear what I say but don't understand what I mean. Then, I become known as the random one when I'm really still talking about the same topic as them.
My family, however, has stopped thinking it was cute. As the youngest, I'm expected to be a little strange. But I was supposed to grow out of it at some point. I was supposed to learn how to "use my words." Instead, that phrase has been used so much I hate even thinking it, let alone hearing it said to anyone.
It's not about trying. It's not rude nor does it show my disinterest. I don't know how to get my thoughts across using the words in my vocabulary. Something is always left out. I have to remind myself that it's not my fault. It's not my audience's fault. And then I take a deep breath and start over.